Cultured by industry experience we are market leaders. We are responsive, efficient and lean, dedicated to problem solving and innovation. As experts in software development, industrial vending, and hardware design, we have become the ‘trusted advisor’ through our approachability and interpretation of our clients’ needs.
Our Business Improvement methodology combined with our industry experience qualifies our team to handle the most challenging of onshore and offshore implementations.
Stuart Brandreth
Tim Blackadder
The Pilot
Tim loves to fly. As Managing Director and owner of our business he’s in the pilot’s seat whether he’s on the job or when taking a well-earned break. Tim applies an aviator’s philosophy to almost everything he does and thrives on taking people on the journey from idea to reality; defining problems and applying technology, while managing complexity and change to arrive safely at the planned destination

Martin Davis
The Adventurer
Founding our business in 2002, Martin knows just about all there is to know about automated onsite distribution. Today, when he’s not trekking in Nepal or hiking The Bibbulmun Track he is right at home handling our New and Emerging Projects. Martin will tell you that a rewarding journey begins when the spirit of adventure is combined with meticulous research, planning and preparation.

Stuart Brandreth
The Greenie
Nature loving tech-geek, Stuart’s down-time is spent in his permaculture garden or somewhere on a forest trail on a mountain bike (GPS tracked for data analytics, of course). As our Business Development Manager, Stuart has found his niche harnessing technology to assist industry in using their resources wisely, reducing their consumption and waste and in bringing commercially sustainable solutions to life.

Gary Hyland
The Techie
Some people like to push the boundaries and look at things differently. Gary has plenty of experience jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and challenging himself on the hockey field. As our Integrity Architect and Systems Analyst, he brings a birds-eye view to our clients requirements and enjoys the technical challenges involved in overseeing our System Architecture, Data Integrity, Quality and Analytics.

Mark Guerin
The Kiwi
Our team member from the land of the long white cloud. From software developer to offshore commercial diver and dive superintendent Mark brings a keen eye for detail to his role as our Operations Manager. A by-product of his commercial diving days and working remote locations is a liking to over-engineer things (just in case). In his down time Mark likes riding bikes up hills. When asked if he was a competitive cyclist, the response was “Whenever two riders are anywhere near each other … it’s competitive!”

Ken Pfeiffer
The Wizard
Self-proclaimed skeptic, Ken spend his weekends engaging facts to challenge pop-medicine and urban mythology. On weekdays as our Systems Engineer, Ken delves into the Dark Arts of programming, multi-computer systems and inter-process communication. Employing decades of experience in dispensing systems he turns inanimate objects into living, breathing systems in the day-to-day industrial environment.
Consumables are critical last mile components to the Business Process of any organisation, yet they are often poorly controlled, poorly accounted for, and require significant human time and cost to obtain and control.
Don’t fall into this trap, reduce your consumption and let our hawkeye vision and resulting Business Process decrease consumable costs and expenditure.